Month: November 2020
Vue de l’exposition / Insallation view L’oeil de la Dorade, Art: concept, Paris, 2020 Vue de l’exposition / Insallation view L’oeil de la Dorade, Art: concept, Paris, 2020 Vue de l’exposition / Insallation view L’oeil de la Dorade, Art: concept, Paris, 2020 Vue de l’exposition / Insallation view L’oeil de la Dorade, Art: concept, Paris, 2020 Vue de l’exposition / Insallation view L’oeil de la Dorade, Art: concept, Paris, 2020 Vue de l’exposition / Insallation view L’oeil de la Dorade, Art: concept, Paris, 2020 Vue de l’exposition / Insallation view L’oeil de la Dorade, Art: concept, Paris, 2020 Vue de l’exposition / Insallation view L’oeil de la Dorade, Art: concept, Paris, 2020 Vue de l’exposition / Insallation view L’oeil de la Dorade, Art: concept, Paris, 2020 Bouvard et Pécuchet, 2019, Huile sur toile / Oil on canvas
80 x 100 cm (31 1/2 x 39 3/8 in.)Le jardin des delices, 2020 Huile sur toile / Oil on canvas, 195 x 130 cm (76 3/4 x 51 1/8 in.) La narratrice, 2020 Huile sur toile / Oil on canvas
195 x 114 cm (76 3/4 x 44 7/8 in.)Jeanne, 2015, Huile sur toile / Oil on canvas, 80 x 60 cm (31 1/2 x 23 5/8 in.) Sans Titre, 2013 crayon sur papier / pencil on paper
40,5 x 29,5 cm (16 x 11 5/8 in.)Sans Titre, 2013 crayon sur papier / pencil on paper
40,5 x 29,5 cm (16 x 11 5/8 in.)Sans titre, 2013, crayon sur papier / pencil on paper, 42 x 29 cm (16 1/2 x 11 3/8 in.) Sans titre, 2016 crayon sur papier
/ pencil on paper, 40 x 29 cm (15 3/4 x 11 3/8 in.)Sans titre, 2013
crayon sur papier
/ pencil on paper
40,5 x 29,5 cm (16 x 11 5/8 in.)Sans titre, 2015, crayon sur papier / pencil on paper 41 x 29 cm (16 1/8 x 11 3/8 in.) Sans titre, 2013, crayon sur papier / pencil on paper, 41 x 29 cm (16 1/8 x 11 3/8 in.) La folie rouge, 2020, Huile sur toile / Oil on canvas, 200 x 140 cm (78 3/4 x 55 1/8 in.) Miranda, 2012, huile sur toile / oil on canvas, 200 x 200 cm (78 3/4 x 78 3/4 in.) Vincent mon amour, 2020, Huile sur toile
/ Oil on canvas, 200 x 200 cm (78 3/4 x 78 3/4 in.)

Art: Concept is pleased to announce Jean-Luc Blanc’s new exhibition at the gallery, L’œil de la Dorade.
Opening Friday the 4th of December, from 11am
Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Irmavep – livre II, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Irmavep – livre II, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Irmavep – livre II, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Irmavep – livre II, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Irmavep – livre II, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Irmavep – livre II, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Irmavep – livre II, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Irmavep – livre II, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Irmavep – livre II, Art : Concept, Paris
Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Dominique Figarella – Raphael Hefti, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Dominique Figarella – Raphael Hefti, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Dominique Figarella – Raphael Hefti, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Dominique Figarella – Raphael Hefti, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Dominique Figarella – Raphael Hefti, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Dominique Figarella – Raphael Hefti, Art : Concept, Paris
Vue d’exposition / Installation view, Desert Plains and Internet Memes, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Installation view, Desert Plains and Internet Memes, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Installation view, Desert Plains and Internet Memes, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Installation view, Desert Plains and Internet Memes, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Installation view, Desert Plains and Internet Memes, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Installation view, Desert Plains and Internet Memes, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Installation view, Desert Plains and Internet Memes, Art : Concept, Paris Hubert Duprat, Tribulum, 2012-2015, mousse polyuréthane, silex/polyurethane foam, flint, 100 x 70 x 18 cm (39 3/8 x 27 1/2 x 7 1/8 in.) Photo: Remi Chavin. N.Dash, Untitled, 2013, adobe, jute, lin, ficelle, graphite, gesso, acrylique, support en bois adobe, jute/linen, twine, graphite, gesso, acrylic, wood support, 147,32 x 248,92 cm (58 x 98 in.) Collection privée/private collection UK N.Dash, Untitled, 2013, tirage argentique/silver gelatin print, 50,8 x 60,96 cm (20 x 24 in.) Matt Sheridan Smith, Pattern portrait (cyclist), 2013, lin, transfert au gel acrylique, papier/linen, acrylic gel transfer, paper, 71,12 x 101,6 cm (28 x 40 in.) Collection privée/private collection US Matt Sheridan Smith, Pattern portrait (widow), 2013, lin, transfert au gel acrylique, papier/linen, acrylic gel transfer, paper, 50,8 x 40,64 cm (20 x 16 in.) Collection privée/private collection CH Matt Sheridan Smith, Pattern portrait (widow), 2013, lin, transfert au gel acrylique, papier/linen, acrylic gel transfer, paper, 152,4 x 121,92 cm (60 x 48 in.) Collection privée/private collection IT Matt Sheridan Smith, Pattern portrait (pilot), 2013, lin, transfert au gel acrylique, papier/linen, acrylic gel transfer, paper, 121,92 x 91,44 cm (48 x 36 in.) Matt Sheridan Smith, Untitled, 2013 contreplaqué, formica, roues en métal, plante toxique/plywood, formica, cast-metal wheels, poisonous plant, 60,96 x 81,28 x 10,16 cm (24 x 32 x 4 in.) Matt Sheridan Smith, Untitled, 2013, contreplaqué, formica, roues en métal, plante toxique/plywood, formica, cast-metal wheels, poisonous plant, 60,96 x 81,28 x 10,16 cm (24 x 32 x 4 in.) Uri Aran, UNTITLED, 2013, acrylique, polyuréthane et jet d’encre sur papier acrylic/clear polyurethane, and inkjet on paper, 21 x 29,7 cm (8 1/4 x 11 3/4 in.) Collection privée/private collection FR Uri Aran, UNTITLED (BY CAR), 2013, technique mixte sur papier/mixed media on paper, 29,7 x 21 cm (11 3/4 x 8 1/4 in.) Josh Tonsfeldt, Magenta Icon, 2013, encres pigmentaires au verso de papier Fuji Crystal Archive/pigment inks on reverse of Fuji Crystal Archive paper, 142,24 x 101,6 cm (56 x 40 in.) Josh Tonsfeldt, Cyan FKK, 2013, encres pigmentaires au verso de papier Fuji Crystal Archive/pigment inks on reverse of Fuji Crystal Archive paper, 156,21 x 106,68 x 6,35 cm (61,5 x 42 x 2,5 in.) Collection privée/private collection FR Josh Tonsfeldt, Untitled, 2013, projection HD, 10 min en boucle HD projection/10 min loop, 156,21 x 106,68 x 6,35 cm (61,5 x 42 x 2,5 in.) ed 3 + 2 AP Ajay Kurian, View of an urban janus-place from the eyes of a child, 2013, photo numérique/ digital c-print, 22,86 x 30,48 cm (9 x 12 in.) Ajay Kurian, History of Coinage, 2013, pain brûlé moulé, acrylique/burned molded bread, acrylic, dimensions variable Ajay Kurian, No More Tears, 2013, argile époxy, mousse, tablette numérique Lenovo, coquille d’escargot, ours en gélatine fondue/epoxy clay, foam, Lenovo tablet, snail shell, melted gummi bears, 30 x 30 x 30 cm (11 3/4 x 11 3/4 x 11 3/4 in.)
Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Patterns In Sounds, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Patterns In Sounds, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Patterns In Sounds, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Patterns In Sounds, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Patterns In Sounds, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Patterns In Sounds, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Patterns In Sounds, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Patterns In Sounds, Art : Concept, Paris
Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Induction Procedure, Art : Concept, Paris, curator Gilles Renaud Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Induction Procedure, Art : Concept, Paris, curator Gilles Renaud Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Induction Procedure, Art : Concept, Paris, curator Gilles Renaud Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Induction Procedure, Art : Concept, Paris, curator Gilles Renaud Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Induction Procedure, Art : Concept, Paris, curator Gilles Renaud Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Induction Procedure, Art : Concept, Paris, curator Gilles Renaud Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Induction Procedure, Art : Concept, Paris, curator Gilles Renaud Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view Induction Procedure, Art : Concept, Paris, curator Gilles Renaud
Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view My Secret Life of Crime, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view My Secret Life of Crime, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view My Secret Life of Crime, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view My Secret Life of Crime, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view My Secret Life of Crime, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view My Secret Life of Crime, Art : Concept, Paris Vue d’exposition / Exhibition view My Secret Life of Crime, Art : Concept, Paris
Vue d’exposition / Installation view, Nathaniel Mellors, The Sophisticated Neanderthal, 2014 Vue d’exposition / Installation view, Nathaniel Mellors, The Sophisticated Neanderthal, 2014 Vue d’exposition / Installation view, Nathaniel Mellors, The Sophisticated Neanderthal, 2014 Vue d’exposition / Installation view, Nathaniel Mellors, The Sophisticated Neanderthal, 2014 Vue d’exposition / Installation view, Nathaniel Mellors, The Sophisticated Neanderthal, 2014 Vue d’exposition / Installation view, Nathaniel Mellors, The Sophisticated Neanderthal, 2014 Vue d’exposition / Installation view, Nathaniel Mellors, The Sophisticated Neanderthal, 2014 The Sophisticated Neanderthal Interview, 2013, Film 35mm, Digital 8-HD Transfer, 21’47”, ed 5 + 1 AP 2 Straw-Horns; Postiche Automatique, 2013, tirage photographique unique/unique photographic print, 101,6 x 76,2 cm (40 x 30 in.) Broken Grammar; Third Utterance, 2013, tirage photographique unique/unique photographic print, 101,6 x 76,2 cm (40 x 30 in.) Shakespeare with Teeth (6 Straws), 2013, photogramme plié unique photographic print 101,6 x 76,2 cm (40 x 30 in.) Orange Stereo Neandergram (2 straws), 2013, photogramme plié unique/photographic print 101,6 x 76,2 cm (40 x 30 in.) The Eye of the Head & Neck, 2013, photogramme plié unique/photographic print, 101,6 x 76,2 cm (40 x 30 in.) Neandergram – Overlooked Astrothought, 2013, tirage photographique unique/unique photographic print, 60,96 x 50,8 cm (24 x 20 in.) Neandergram – For the Betterment of the Species, 2013, tirage photographique unique/ unique photographic print, 60,96 x 50,8 cm (24 x 20 in.) Neandergram – Something Inside The Haus, 2013, tirage photographique unique/ unique photographic print, 60,96 x 50,8 cm (24 x 20 in.) Collection privée/private collection FR Neandergram – At the Back of us, 2013, tirage photographique unique/ unique photographic print, 60,96 x 50,8 cm (24 x 20 in.) Neandergram – Terminal, chemical, 2013, tirage photographique unique/ unique photographic print, 60,96 x 50,8 cm (24 x 20 in.) Collection privée/private collection FR Neandergram – SHFVVUPRl, 2013, tirage photographique unique/unique photographic print, 60,96 x 50,8 cm (24 x 20 in.) Collection privée/private collection FR Neandergram – SCTHOOO, 2013, tirage photographique unique/unique photographic print, 60,96 x 50,8 cm (24 x 20 in.) Neandergram – SHTHURDD, 2013, tirage photographique unique/unique photographic print, 60,96 x 50,8 cm (24 x 20 in.) Neandergram – Foot; whale, 2013, tirage photographique unique/unique photographic print, 60,96 x 50,8 cm (24 x 20 in.) Neandergram – Encroaching Demon, 2013, tirage photographique unique/unique photographic print, 60,96 x 50,8 cm (24 x 20 in.) Neandergram – Fictive Break with Shaft, 2013, tirage photographique unique/unique photographic print, 60,96 x 50,8 cm (24 x 20 in.) Neandergram – Container; Driver, 2013, tirage photographique unique/unique photographic print, 60,96 x 50,8 cm (24 x 20 in.) Neandergram – Layered Non-Conformist, 2013, tirage photographique unique/unique photographic print, 60,96 x 50,8 cm (24 x 20 in.) Neandergram – Stratus Fear, 2013, tirage photographique unique/unique photographic print, 60,96 x 50,8 cm (24 x 20 in.) Neandergram – Glaneur; Gatherer 01, 2013, tirage photographique unique/unique photographic print, 60,96 x 50,8 cm (24 x 20 in.) Neandergram – Foot; Bouche, 2013, tirage photographique unique/unique photographic print, 60,96 x 50,8 cm (24 x 20 in.) Neandergram – Tree with Cover A, 2013, tirage photographique unique/unique photographic print, 60,96 x 50,8 cm (24 x 20 in.) Neandergram – Missing Objects, 2013, tirage photographique unique/unique photographic print, 60,96 x 50,8 cm (24 x 20 in.) Neandergram – Box; Horizon, 2013, tirage photographique unique/unique photographic print, 60,96 x 50,8 cm (24 x 20 in.) Neandergram – Seams of Nuts, 2013, tirage photographique unique/unique photographic print, 60,96 x 50,8 cm (24 x 20 in.) Black Shakespeare, 2013, Plâtre, epoxy, peinture et deux pailles/Plaster, epoxy, paint and 2 drinking straws, 35,56 x 40,64 x 27,94 cm (14 x 16 x 11 in.) The Classical, 2013-14, résine, pailles/resin, drinking straws, 35,56 x 45,72 x 26,67 cm (14 x 18 x 10,5 in.) Orange Proconsul with Straw, 2014, résine, metal et paille/resin, metal and drinking straw, dimensions variables/variable dimensions