Kate Newby, Cold Water, 2025. Commissioned by Sharjah Art Foundation with the support of Creative New Zealand Toi Aotearoa. Installation view: Sharjah Biennial 16, Kalba Ice Factory, Kalba. Image courtesy of Sharjah Art Foundation. Photo: Ivan Erofeev
Kate Newby, Cold Water, 2025. Commissioned by Sharjah Art Foundation with the support of Creative New Zealand Toi Aotearoa. Installation view: Sharjah Biennial 16, Kalba Ice Factory, Kalba. Image courtesy of Sharjah Art Foundation. Photo: Ivan Erofeev
Kate Newby, Cold Water, 2025. Commissioned by Sharjah Art Foundation with the support of Creative New Zealand Toi Aotearoa. Installation view: Sharjah Biennial 16, Kalba Ice Factory, Kalba. Image courtesy of Sharjah Art Foundation. Photo: Ivan Erofeev
Kate Newby, Cold Water, 2025. Commissioned by Sharjah Art Foundation with the support of Creative New Zealand Toi Aotearoa. Installation view: Sharjah Biennial 16, Kalba Ice Factory, Kalba. Image courtesy of Sharjah Art Foundation. Photo: Ivan Erofeev
they built anyway, 2024 Verre soufflé, corde faite à la main, bronze / Blown glass, handmade rope, bronze Dimensions Variables. Photo Romain Darnaud
they built anyway (detail), 2024 Verre soufflé, corde faite à la main, bronze / Blown glass, handmade rope, bronze Dimensions Variables. Photo Romain Darnaud
“Trust me, trust me………trust me”, 2024, Laiton blanc, argent sterling, bronze, porcelaine, grès, émail (7 pièces), taille variable
Kate Newby, Hours in wind, 2024, verre moulé, verre travaillé à chaud, bronze, corde récupérée, commande du Museum of Contemporary Art Australia avec le soutien des mécènes principaux Ginny et Leslie Green, 2024, image avec l’autorisation de l’artiste et du Museum of Contemporary Art Australia © l’artiste, photographie : Zan Wimberley
Kate Newby, anything, anything, Klosterruine Berlin 2024, Photo: Robert Hamacher
Kate Newby, anything, anything, Klosterruine Berlin 2024, Photo: Robert Hamacher
Vue d’exposition / Installation view Ecology: Dialogue on Circulations – Dialogue 2 “Ephemeral Anchoring”, 2024. Fondation d’Entreprise Hermès, Le Forum of the Ginza Maison Hermès, Tokyo/JP
Vue d’exposition / Installation view: Our Ecology: Toward a Planetary Living, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo/JP. Kate Newby, FIRE!!!!!!! , 2023. Terrazzo produced at Torii Cement Kougyou Co., Ltd., Toyama (Concrete and found materials in Tokyo: stone, ceramics, glaze, glass, rubber, plastic, enamel, cork, metal, rope, concrete, shell, and bitumen), Indigo Fabric produced at Kosoen, Ome (Organic Cotton, indigo dye). Dimension variable. Co-production: Fondation d’entreprise Hermès and Mori Art Museum Photography: Go Itami
Kate Newby, Good report, stop yelling tho. 2023. Cast iron, Museum entrance, 35 x 46 x 5 7/8 x 16 5/8 x 5/16 in. (1 piece). Installation view “Intimate confession is a project”, Blaffer Art Museum,Houston, TX/US
Kate Newby, What a great year for music , 2023, Marfa Book Co., Marfa, TX, Photo: Alex Marks
Kate Newby, What a great year for music , 2023, Marfa Book Co., Marfa, TX, Photo: Alex Marks
I love this sound (detail), 2023. Verre, bois / glass, wood. 63” x 49.75”
Kate Newby, I like the way I am, 2023. Bronze, corde artisanale / Bronze, Handmade rope. Dimensions variable. Courtesy the artist and Art : Concept, Paris. Photo by Jorge Davalos Palma
Kate Newby, Kate Newby , a year in the wild, 2022. Verre, jaune d’argent / Glass, jaune d’argent. 37 × 37 cm (14 ⅝ × 14 ⅝ inches). Courtesy the artist and Art : Concept, Paris. Photo Nicolas Brasseur
Vue d’exposition / Installation view Feel Noise, Kate Newby and MacKenzie Stevens, 2022, Testsite, TX/US
Vue d’exposition / Installation view Carbonate of Copper, 2022, Artpace, San Antonio, TX/US Curator Jennifer Teets
Vue d’exposition / Installation view Carbonate of Copper, 2022, Artpace, San Antonio, TX/US Curator Jennifer Teets
Vues de l’exposition / Installation view “Réclamer la terre”, 14.04.22 – 04.09.22, Palais de Tokyo, Paris. Courtesy the artist & Art : Concept, Paris. Photo Aurélien Mole
The edge of the earth, 2022 Briques, mortier Produit avec le soutien des Rairies-Montrieux Dimensions variable
Vues de l’exposition / Installation view “Réclamer la terre”, 14.04.22 – 04.09.22, Palais de Tokyo, Paris. Courtesy the artist & Art : Concept, Paris. Photo Aurélien Mole
Vues de l’exposition / Installation view “Réclamer la terre”, 14.04.22 – 04.09.22, Palais de Tokyo, Paris. Courtesy the artist & Art : Concept, Paris. Photo Aurélien Mole
Vues de l’exposition / Installation view “Réclamer la terre”, 14.04.22 – 04.09.22, Palais de Tokyo, Paris. Courtesy the artist & Art : Concept, Paris. Photo Aurélien Mole
Vue de l’exposition / Installation view, Kate Newby: Try doing anything without it, 2022, Art : Concept, Paris
Kate Newby, amazing all times of year, 2022. Laiton blanc, argent, verre trouvé (Auckland), grès, glaçure (6 pièces). Dimensions variables. Courtesy of the artist and Art : Concept, Paris. Photo Nicolas Brasseur
Thank you for taking us along (à gauche/left), Her expression (à droite/right), 2022. Briques, mortier / Bricks, mortar. 324 x 10 x 11 cm (127 1/2 x 3 7/8 x 4 3/8 in). Produit aux / Produced at Rairies-Montrieux. Courtesy of the artist and Art : Concept, Paris. Photo Nicolas Brasseur
Generous and with light, 2019. Verre, corde de laine, câble / glass, wool rope, wire, dimensions variables Courtesy of the artist and Art : Concept, Paris. Photo Nicolas Brasseur
Generous and with light, 2019. Verre, corde de laine, câble / glass, wool rope, wire, dimensions variables Courtesy of the artist and Art : Concept, Paris. Photo Nicolas Brasseur
: Kate Newby. Grows and grows on you, 2021 Argile, bris de verres collectés, crayon dermographique, 3700 éléments. Vue d’exposition / Installation view Musée d’art contemporain de Haute-Vienne – Château de Rochechouart photo: Aurélien Mole
Kate Newby, ‘Sorry fingers keep going’, 2018. Laiton blanc, porcelaine, argent, laiton, grès et émail, 8 pièces.
Kate Newby, ‘Let me be the wind that pulls your hair’, 2017, Vue d’exposition (détail), Artpace, San Antonio, TX, USA
Kate Newby, ‘I can’t nail the days down’, 2018. Vue d’exposition (détail), Kunsthalle Wien, Vienne, Autriche
Kate Newby, ‘I can’t nail the days down’, 2018. Vue d’exposition (détail), Kunsthalle Wien, Vienne, Autriche
Kate Newby, ‘lit by lightning’, 2019. Verre, en deux parties, 9,4 x 18 x 29cm, 8,8 x 20 x 11,5cm.
Kate Newby, ‘Wilde was the night, 2019. Verre, dimensions variables / Glass, variable dimensions. Vue d’exposition / Installation vue Otium#4, IAC, Villeurbanne, France, 2019
Kate Newby, I’m Actually Weirdly Exciting, 2018, Biennale de Sydney, Autralie, 2018
Kate Newby, ‘The more I listen to it the more I love it’, 2017. Verre, bouteilles de bière. Détail de l’exposition, Fondation d’art contemporain suédois, Stockholm, Suède.
Kate Newby, ‘Not this time, not for me’, 2017. Mortier, couleur béton, argent, laiton blanc, porcelaine, corde de coton, verre, grès. Détail de l’exposition, SculptureCenter, New York, NY, États-Unis.
Kate Newby, ‘A rock in this pocket’, 2018. Briques, verre, céramique, métal Vue de l’exposition, 21e Biennale de Sydney, Sydney, Australie.
Vue d’exposition / Installation view, Kate Newby, 2017, SculptureCenter, New York
Kate Newby was born in Auckland, Aotearoa, New Zealand in 1979 and works in the United States where she lives. In 2015 she graduated with a PhD from the Elam School of Fine Art at the University of Auckland.
Working with a variety of media including installation, textile, ceramics, casting and glass, Newby is a sculptor who is committed to exploring and putting pressure on the limits and nature of sculpture. As such, she is interested in not only space, volume, texture and materials, but where and how sculpture happens. Consisting of site-specific projets that form relationships with locations througt actions, Kate Newby’s work engages with a wide range of situations using everyday actions and materials in order to displace and challenge how contemporary art is exhibited, viewed, and archived.
Her work has been shown at the 21st Biennale of Sydney in 2018, as well as in various institutions and galleries around the world: at Fondation Hermès and Mori Art Museum in Tokyo, Japan (2023/2024), at Blaffer Art Museum, Houston, Texas, US (2023), Te Papa Tongarewa, Museum of New Zealand, Wellington, Nouvelle-Zélande (2023); Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2022); Musée de Rochechouart (2021); Institut d’Art Contemporain Villeurbane (2019); Lumber room, Portland, Oregon (2019); Kunsthalle Vienna (2018); Kunsthaus Hamburg (2018); Index, Contemporary Swedish Art Foundation (2017); and the SculptureCenter, NY (2017).
Kate has completed residencies at: The Joan Mitchell Foundation (2019), The Chinati Foundation (2017), Artpace (2017), Fogo Island (2013), and the International Studio & Curatorial Program ISCP (2012).
She won the Walters Prize, New Zealand’s largest contemporary art prize, in 2012 and the Ettore Fico Prize (Turin, IT) in 2022.
At the gallery
Kate Newby YES TOMORROW. Published by Te Pātaka Toi Adam Art Gallery at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington, 2021, 216 pages
Kate NEWBY Pocket Works, Michael Lett Books. Authors: Sara Jaffe, Jennifer Kabat, Sarah Miller Meigs, Eileen Myles, Sarah Sentilles, Stephanie Snyder and Kyle Dancewicz. Published by lumber room, Portland, 2019, 102 pages
Kate Newby, Let the other thing in, Edité par Rosemary Heather et Nicolaus Schafhausen. Contributions de Paul Dean, Jennifer Kabat, Mami Kataoka, Kate Newby, Daniel Wong, 2013, 144 pages