The Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT acquired the work Km 2.6 ensuring to the VideotecaGAM Collection one of the pivotal moments of the artistic season of the 1990s that in that language found one of its elective forms of expression.
The show at GAM consists in the projection of the video Km 2.6 and 8 photographs.
Km 2.6 is a video made by Giuseppe Gabellone (Brindisi, 1973) in 1993. It is one of those rare works that arrive precociously in the path of an artist and yet already seem to contain the entire content of the core of his thought. This is not because Gabellone is a case of steadfast fidelity to a technique, a theme, or an iconography, in fact, it is quite the opposite, but because the intelligence that animates that video has been developing with absolute consistency, over these thirty years, in the variety of forms that it is producing.