Film réalisé avec la participation du Centre national des arts plastiques
Production ARTER-VIVANTO 2016
en partenariat avec l’IMCCE-Observatoire de Paris.
Interprétation : Alice Renavand,danseuse étoile de l’Opéra national de Paris.

In 2022, HiFlow investigates the subject of TERRITORY(S). From our relationship to the Earth to the exploration of the cosmos or the development of the metaverse: the perspective of our future habitats and playgrounds; rethinking, designing and protecting them. In this approach, the exhibition is a metaphorical and sometimes real reflection on the state of the earth, before looking to the sky. The sixteen artists presented here are part of a trend that imagines an archaeology of the future – or a prospective analysis of the traces that humans would leave in tomorrow’s world.
The short film Mars and Venus, phases of oppositions, by Julien Audebert, is a sequence shot of 9.45 minutes; its starting point is the reinterpretation of a classical mythological subject: that of the relationship between Mars, god of war and Venus, goddess of love. The film reverses the classical subject, in which Venus is usually represented lying down, observing Mars asleep: here we are placed from the point of view of Mars, embodied by the camera, observing Venus.
Curator: Marie Maertens
With: Julien Audebert – Mustapha Azeroual – Tiki Bordin – Caroline Corbasson et Andrea Montano – Julien Discrit – Félicie d’Estienne d’Orves – Mounir Fatmi – Laurent Grasso – Cyrielle Gulacsy – Alexandre Joly – Joseph Obanubi – Evariste Richer – Pia Rondé & Fabien Saleil – Evelyn Vonesch
HiFlow, Plan-les-Ouates, Switzerland