Miryam Haddad, Comme le sort d’un matin, 2021, Huile sur toile / oil on canvas. 22 × 16 cm (8 ⅝ × 6 ¼ inches). Courtesy of the artist & Art : Concept, Paris. Photo Romain Darnaud Miryam Haddad, Ruines des regards, 2021, Huile sur toile / oil on canvas. 20 × 20 cm (7 ⅞ × 7 ⅞ inches). Courtesy of the artist & Art : Concept, Paris. Photo Romain Darnaud Miryam Haddad, Trahit le temps, l’éternel, 2021, Huile sur toile / oil on canvas. 24 × 19 cm (9 ½ × 7 ½ inches). Curtesy of the artist & Art : Concept, Paris. Photo Romain Darnaud

Miryam Haddad participates in the exhibition We Paint! at Palais des Études des Beaux-Arts de Paris.
The exhibition organised by Fondation Bredin Prat deals with the effervescence of painting in contemporary art through 33 French and foreign artists selected over the last ten years by the Jean-François Prat Prize.
The group show features several recent paintings by Miryam Haddad, winner of the Jean-François Prat Prize in 2019.
Curator and scenographer Cristiano Raimondi
Palais des Beaux-Arts – 14 rue Bonaparte, 75006 Paris
March 24 – April 24, 2022