Souvenir Nouveau [New Memory] might be the name of a café, past or present but definitely not retro. One where the day’s news, from near and far, becomes a blend of contradictory echoes: a place of passage and discussion, brawls and fantasies, where you show off a little, inventing stories for yourself. Where you flee your impotence and where, above all else, you seek out allies. Loosened tongues set the world to rights, build the surroundings they desire, and welcome undesirables. The future becomes palpable, a new memory. Souvenir Nouveau brings artists from a diversity of countries and aesthetic horizons together to form a heterogeneous and deliberately dissonant territory: the visitor is invited to roam through a succession of works and situations, by turns colourful, bright or dark, with only their eyes and body for a compass.
With Jean-Pierre Allain, Ethan Assouline, Jean-Luc Blanc, Pierrette Bloch, Anne Bourse, Nina Childress, Sylvie Fanchon, Hamedine Kane, Liz Magor, Mélanie Matranga, Armineh Negahdari, Raffaella della Olga, Gyan Panchal, Amol K. Patil, Laurent Proux, Samuel Richardot, Anne-Lise Seusse
Curator: Anne Bonnin