Exhibition view Generalization,Tania Pérez Córdova, Sculpture Center NY, 2023. The exhibition is organized by Museo Tamayo, Mexico City, and is curated by Humberto Moro, Deputy Director of Program, Dia Art Foundation (former Deputy Director and Senior Curator, Museo Tamayo). Photo Charles Benton
Exhibition view Generalization,Tania Pérez Córdova, Sculpture Center NY, 2023. The exhibition is organized by Museo Tamayo, Mexico City, and is curated by Humberto Moro, Deputy Director of Program, Dia Art Foundation (former Deputy Director and Senior Curator, Museo Tamayo). Photo Charles Benton
Exhibition view Generalization,Tania Pérez Córdova, Sculpture Center NY, 2023. The exhibition is organized by Museo Tamayo, Mexico City, and is curated by Humberto Moro, Deputy Director of Program, Dia Art Foundation (former Deputy Director and Senior Curator, Museo Tamayo). Photo Charles Benton
Exhibition view Generalization,Tania Pérez Córdova, Sculpture Center NY The exhibition is organized by Museo Tamayo, Mexico City, and is curated by Humberto Moro, Deputy Director of Program, Dia Art Foundation (former Deputy Director and Senior Curator, Museo Tamayo). Photo Charles Benton
Exhibition view Generalization,Tania Pérez Córdova, Sculpture Center NY, 2023. The exhibition is organized by Museo Tamayo, Mexico City, and is curated by Humberto Moro, Deputy Director of Program, Dia Art Foundation (former Deputy Director and Senior Curator, Museo Tamayo). Photo Charles Benton
Exhibition view Generalization,Tania Pérez Córdova, Sculpture Center NY, 2023. The exhibition is organized by Museo Tamayo, Mexico City, and is curated by Humberto Moro, Deputy Director of Program, Dia Art Foundation (former Deputy Director and Senior Curator, Museo Tamayo). Photo Charles Benton
Exhibition view Generalization,Tania Pérez Córdova, Sculpture Center NY, 2023. The exhibition is organized by Museo Tamayo, Mexico City, and is curated by Humberto Moro, Deputy Director of Program, Dia Art Foundation (former Deputy Director and Senior Curator, Museo Tamayo). Photo Charles Benton
Vue d’exposition / Installation view Tania Pérez Córdova. Generalization, Museo Tamayo, 2022. Photography by Gerardo Landa and Eduardo López (GLR Estudio). Courtesy of Museo Tamayo.
Vue d’exposition / Installation view Tania Pérez Córdova. Generalization, Museo Tamayo, 2022. Photography by Gerardo Landa and Eduardo López (GLR Estudio). Courtesy of Museo Tamayo.
Vue d’exposition / Installation view Tania Pérez Córdova. Generalization, Museo Tamayo, 2022. Photography by Gerardo Landa and Eduardo López (GLR Estudio). Courtesy of Museo Tamayo.
Vue d’exposition / Installation view Tania Pérez Córdova. Generalization, Museo Tamayo, 2022. Photography by Gerardo Landa and Eduardo López (GLR Estudio). Courtesy of Museo Tamayo.
Vue d’exposition / Installation view Tania Pérez Córdova. Generalization, Museo Tamayo, 2022. Photography by Gerardo Landa and Eduardo López (GLR Estudio). Courtesy of Museo Tamayo.
Vue d’exposition / Installation view Tania Pérez Córdova. Generalization, Museo Tamayo, 2022. Photography by Gerardo Landa and Eduardo López (GLR Estudio). Courtesy of Museo Tamayo.
Vue d’exposition / Installation view Tania Pérez Córdova. Generalization, Museo Tamayo, 2022. Photography by Gerardo Landa and Eduardo López (GLR Estudio). Courtesy of Museo Tamayo.
Vue de l’exposition/Installation view, Tania Pérez Córdova, All our explanations, Art: Concept, 2022. Courtesy of the artist & Art : Concept, Paris. Photo by: Nicolas Brasseur
Vue de l’exposition/Installation view, Tania Pérez Córdova, All our explanations, Art: Concept, 2022. Courtesy of the artist & Art : Concept, Paris. Photo by: Nicolas Brasseur
Vue de l’exposition/Installation view, Tania Pérez Córdova, All our explanations, Art: Concept, 2022. Courtesy of the artist & Art : Concept, Paris. Photo by: Nicolas Brasseur
Vue de l’exposition/Installation view, Tania Pérez Córdova, All our explanations, Art: Concept, 2022. Courtesy of the artist & Art : Concept, Paris. Photo by: Nicolas Brasseur
Tania Pérez Córdova, Strelitzia, 2022, Artificial plant, stainless steel, chain, Leaf 80 x 27 x 38 cm ; chain : variable dimensions. Courtesy of the artist & Art : Concept, Paris. Photo © Nicolas Brasseur
The politicians are saying (Los políticos están diciendo), 2022 , Aluminium cast, water, artificial saliva, plastic irrigation system, dripping timed to a speech, 74 × 80 × 64 cm (29 ⅛ × 31 ½ × 25 ¼ inches, Courtesy of the artist & Art : Concept, Paris. Photo © Nicolas Brasseur
Tania Pérez Córdova, Todas nuestras explicaciones, 2022, Béton coloré, glace en train de fondre, 26,5 x 38 x 9,5cm. Courtesy of the artist & Art : Concept, Paris. Photo Nicolas Brasseur
Tania Pérez Córdova, Strike (Huelga), 2018-2022, Bread cooked with cigarettes. Reenactment of a strike, 17,5 × 15 × 14 cm (6 ⅞ × 5 ⅞ × 5 ½ inches), Courtesy of the artist & Art : Concept, Paris. Photo © Nicolas Brasseur
Tania Pérez Córdova, Empty days (Found dead bees, shade of 11 inches macbook air, red velvet lipstick, fragment of a plastic bag, thread, fragment of a tag, tape, paper found on wet pavement, fragment of a leaf, fragment of packing material, lettuce leaf, candy wrapping, dust, color. We didn’t need all those things we bought), 2022, Stratified glass, mixed materials, stainless steel, 140 × 80 × 3 cm (55 ⅛ × 31 ½ × 1 ⅛ inches), Courtesy of the artist & Art : Concept, Paris. Photo © Nicolas Brasseur
Tania Pérez Córdova, Small Tragedies 1 (There are dead bees on the ground, they are in extinction, I explain it to my son, whose clothes no longer fit, and have holes, other holes are made by pests, others can be handmade, it is triple filter, it is just dust, It’s blush, it’s trash, it is myopia, it is astigmatism; we didn’t need all those things we bought.), 2021, Stratified glass: reused museum window, found bees, contact lenses, fragments of clothes, receipts, leaf, blush, dust, bread crumbles, fragment of N95 mask, plastic bag, plasticine, tape, uv filter. 150 × 80 cm (59 × 31 ½ inches)
Tania Pérez Córdova, Substraction 1, 2018, Iron (Le Creuset Dutch casserole dish that has been cast, melted, and remelted in its own mold), 2 parts, pot 31 x 22 x 10 cm; lid: 24.4 x 15 cm.
Tania Pérez Córdova, Sincere I Non-sincere, 2018, gold facsimile necklace, obsidian, water, 26 x 44 x 13 cm. Photo Fabrice Gousset
Tania Pérez Córdova, Paisaje, 2018, aluminum, various materials (fragment of fence cast, melted, and recast in its own mold), dimensions variable
Tania Pérez Córdova, Paisaje, 2018, aluminum, various materials (fragment of fence cast, melted, and recast in its own mold), dimensions variable (detail)
Voice, 2013 Sim card empruntée / Borrowed sim card, céramique 36.5 x 25.8 cm (14 3/8 x 10 3/16 inches). Photo Claire Dorn. Courtesy of the artist, José García and Galerie Perrotin
We belong / We Dissent (from the series Things in Pause), 2013/17 marbre, adhésif, corde de guitare 91 × 65 × 3 cm
Tania Pérez Córdova, installation view Daylength of a room, Kunsthalle Basel, 2018. Photo Philipp Hänger / Kunsthalle Basel
Tania Pérez Córdova, installation view Daylength of a room, Kunsthalle Basel, 2018. Photo Philipp Hänger / Kunsthalle Basel
Tania Pérez Córdova, installation view Daylength of a room, Kunsthalle Basel, 2018. Photo Philipp Hänger / Kunsthalle Basel
Tania Pérez Córdova, installation view Daylength of a room, Kunsthalle Basel, 2018. Photo Philipp Hänger / Kunsthalle Basel
Hole E, 2020, Imprint of a hole dug in a field, earth, plant roots, plaster, mesh, enamel paint, South Sea pearl, artificial pearl, 80 × 66 × 26.7 cm (31 1/2 × 26 × 10 1/2 in).
Tania Pérez Córdova, installation view Short Sight Box, 2020, Tina Kim Gallery. Photo Hyunjung Rhee
Tania Pérez Córdova, installation view Short Sight Box, 2020, Tina Kim Gallery. Photo Hyunjung Rhee
Person A, Person B, 2014 Sim card empruntée / Borrowed sim card, céramique Dimensions variables
Tania Pérez Córdova (née en 1979) est une artiste mexicaine née à Mexico où elle vit et travaille. Après avoir étudié à l’école des beaux-arts de Mexico, elle a obtenu une licence en beaux-arts au Goldsmiths College de Londres.
L’œuvre de Tania Pérez Córdova se développe à travers une grande variété de médiums, à savoir la sculpture, les objets trouvés et l’installation, mais aussi la photographie et la performance grâce auxquels elle explore les relations contextuelles qui se tissent entre les objets du quotidien. Les éléments visuels qu’elle nous présente sont en effet à comprendre dans le contexte d’une narration plus large dont les titres donnent les clés – l’artiste aime d’ailleurs parler de « situations » pour désigner ses œuvres.
« L’œuvre de Tania Pérez Córdova se révèle par strates de différentes technologies, époques et matériaux – poudre à canon, cendres de cigarette, maquillage, mousse, bronze versé dans du sable, bijoux – pour présenter de poétiques clichés d’une narration passée ou qui peut encore advenir. Ses sculptures élégantes sont des questions qui flottent dans l’air, un sentiment inarticulé.
Dans ses créations intimes, les vestiges de la présence humaine peuvent être décelés là où de nouvelles fonctions sont données aux objets ; un médaillon en cannettes de bière fondues piégé entre une fenêtre en verre recyclée, un moulage en bronze de la poche de quelqu’un, une lentille de contact colorée sur du marbre. Elle active souvent ses sculptures à travers un jeu performatif, comme par exemple par la présence d’une personne dans la galerie portant la lentille de contact ou la boucle d’oreille dont le double fait partie de l’une des sculptures. »*
*Texte d’Elizabeth Fullerton
Son travail a été présenté dans des expositions personnelles au Sculpture Center de New York (2023) au Museo Tamayo de Mexico (2022-2023), à la Kunsthalle de Bâle (2018) et au Musée d’art contemporain de Chicago (2017) et prochainement au Sculpture Center de New York (2024). Il fait partie d’importantes collections publiques telles que celles des Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago/US, Tamayo Museum/MEX, Jumex Collection/MEX, San Francisco Moma/US, Cisneros Collection/US-VEN, Museo Amparo/MEX, Adrastus collection/ESP.
‘All our explanations’ présentée chez Art : Concept en janvier 2022 est sa première exposition personnelle en France.
À la galerie
Tania Pérez Córdova, Generalization. Introduction with text by Humberto Moro. Text by Magalí Arriola, Elena Filipovic, Gregory R Miller & Company, 2024
Tania Pérez Córdova, Smoke, nearby. Text : José Esparza Chong Cuy. Ed. Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, 2017