Jean-Luc Blanc, Nina Childress, Vidya Gastaldon
Rêveries, Expérience Pommery #16, Vranken-Pommery Monopole, Reims
May 26 - November 8, 2022
Vidya Gastaldon, Teapot, salad, poltergeist, 2012. Acrylique et huile sur toile / Acrylic and oil painting on canvas. 60 × 70 cm (23 ⅝ × 27 ½ inches). Courtesy the artist and Art : Concept, Paris. Photo Nathalie Rebholz

In 2004, Pommery became the first Champagne house to open the doors of its estate and its Gallo-Roman chalk pits to contemporary artists.

This unique underground site, steeped in history, has become a place of exchange and creation between renowned contemporary artists from all over the world, working under the direction of curators whose creativity is constantly renewed.

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