Group show
The convulsive programming developed by the teams at the Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles/Paris reboots within its vessel, restored to its primal edifice and stripped of all ornament, with from October 13 to 29, part 2 of Les Heures Sauvages-Nef des Marges dans l’ombre des certitudes, an archipelagic program, This archipelagic program, initiated in the wake of the docking operation, is the climax of a series of initiatives undertaken by the Centre, including the cycles dedicated to artists’ films 25 Arts Seconde, the festival of sound probes (((INTERFERENCE_S))), the Belgian Theory contemporary thought platforms and the festival dedicated to short films : le Court en dit Long.
Our programming is reintegrated with the same aspiration for non-canonization, with the same desire not to entrench, crystallize or confine ourselves to it, and in parallel with the pursuit of viralization in physical elsewhere and in Cyberspace. They reinfiltrate, contaminated by numerous alliances and the same quest to highlight and probe powerful universes that suggest art as a veritable heuristic of our liquid present.