Michel Blazy
Artistes et paysans. Battre la campagne, Les Abattoirs, Musée - Frac Occitanie Toulouse/FR
March 1 - August 25, 2024
Vue de l’exposition Artistes et paysans. Battre la campagne, les Abattoirs, Musée-Frac Occitanie Toulouse, 2024 © Adagp, Paris, 2024 © courtesy des artistes. Photo Cyril Boixel

The exhibition “Artists and farmers. Battre la campagne” explores the multiple and rich links between artists and farmers in the light of the challenges facing agriculture today. Through an ensemble of nearly 150 works, the proposed itinerary aims to contextualize and highlight the points of encounter between art and agriculture, while exploring the way in which this dialogue has evolved in a context of redefined relationships between humans and their environment.

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