Michel Blazy
Lignes de fuite, Centre international d'art et du paysage
July 10 - November 6, 2022
Vue d’exposition / Installation views : Lignes de fuite, 2022, CIAP Vassivière, Île de Vassivière/FR. Photo : © Aurélien Mole
Michel Blazy, Tapis d’accueil 3, 2022. Tapis, corde coco, eau, plantes, poubelle en plastique / Carpet, coco rope, water, plants, plastic garbage can, 4 x 3 m, 2022. Courtesy Art : Concept. Production CIAPV. © ADAGP, Paris – 2022.
Vue d’exposition / Installation views : Lignes de fuite, 2022, CIAP Vassivière, Île de Vassivière/FR. Photo : © Aurélien Mole
Michel Blazy, L’hypothèse Chammet. Étude pour la commande Nouveaux Commanditaires du Centre de recherche et d’étude de la Forêt (CREF), Faux-la-Montagne, 2019. Ensemble de dessins et texte de Michel Blazy / Study for the Nouveaux Commanditaires commission for the Centre de recherche et d’étude de la Forêt (CREF), Faux-la-Montagne, 2019. Set of drawings and text by Michel Blazy.

Michel Blazy (France), Mohamed Bourouissa (France), Zac Langdon-Pole (New-Zealand), Richard Long (UK),* Isa Melsheimer (Germany), Nadia Myre (Canada), Mathieu Pernot (France), Clément Villiers (France), Lois Weinberger (Austria)

Lines of Flight is a collective exhibition around ideas of movement across territorial and political boundaries. Drawing together natural and anthropogenic processes, the works on view question notions of native and non-native species, climate change, and voluntary and involuntary migrations. From 19th-century scientific expeditions that facilitated imperial expansion to the transnational movement of plants to the passage of migrants through territories, the exhibition proposes a series of encounters between plants, animals, and humans in all our varied states of restlessness.

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