Michel Blazy, Ulla von Brandenburg, Nina Childress
FUTURE IS NOW. 50 ANS / 50 ARTISTES. Le Parvis, Scène nationale Tarbes Pyrénées, Ibos/ FR
June 18 - October 5, 2024

Le Parvis, which in 50 years has programmed over 300 exhibitions, will be blowing out its candles with a feed-back and forward-looking exhibition entitled Future is now, inviting some 50 artists who exhibited between 1974 and 2024 to return to the site.

Le Parvis is one of the first contemporary art institutions in France, and also one of the most atypical. And it has to be said that the past 5 decades have not diminished the enthusiasm of artists and audiences alike for this intriguing venue, located in a shopping mall and integrated into a national arts scene.

With: Martine Aballéa – Saâdane Afif – Atelier Van Lieshout – Nils Alix-Tabeling – John M. Armleder – Virginie Barré – Berdaguer & Péjus – Michel Blazy – Bianca Bondi – Céleste Boursier-Mougenot – Xavier Boussiron – Ulla von Brandenburg – Nina Childress – Claude Closky – Delphine Coindet – Caroline Corbasson – Alain Declercq – Damien Deroubaix – Erik Dietman – Mounir Fatmi – Daniel Firman – Dora Garcia – Marco Godinho – Laurent Grasso – Josep Grau-Garriga – Joël Hubaut – Fabrice Hyber – Pierre Joseph – Kapawani Kiwanga – Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux – Bertrand Lavier – Ange Leccia – Jacques Lizène –  Philippe Mayaux – Caroline Mesquita – Tania Mouraud – Philippe Quesne – Philippe Ramette – Lionel Sabatté – Bruno Schmeltz – Franck Scurti – Alain Séchas – Djamel Tatah – Barthélémy Toguo – Niek Van de Steeg – Xavier Veilhan – Jean-Luc Verna – Jacques Vieille – Gisèle Vienne – Jérôme Zonder

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