Richard Fauguet, Sans titre, 1995. Objets en verre, plaques de verre et colle silicone / Glass objects, glass plates and silicone glue. Collection Frac Nouvelle-Aquitaine Méca. Vue de l’exposition / Installation view “Parler avec elles” conçue par Emilie Parendeau – exposition anniversaire 40 ans du Frac MÉCA. Frac Nouvelle-Aquitaine MÉCA, Bordeaux. Crédit photo : Grégoire Grange
During fall-winter 2023-2024, Frac MÉCA hosts “Parler avec elles”, an exhibition conceived by artist Émilie Parendeau that brings together some fifty works, including forty from the Frac’s collection, a group of paintings by Claude Rutault, at the same time as it hosts proposals created specifically for the occasion by Florence Jung, Delphine Reist, and Davide-Christelle Sanvee.
The project imagined by Émilie Parendeau focuses on the processes involved in making a work of art, and aims to draw our attention to the work inherent in exhibiting it.
Anniversary exhibition – 40 years of the Frac.
With works by: ABSALON, John M.ARMLEDER, Pierre BARÈS, Karina BISCH, Jean-Marie BLANCHET, Pauline BOUDRY / Renate LORENZ, Yves CHAUDOUËT, Stéphanie CHERPIN, Claude CLOSKY, Stéphane DAFFLON, Richard FAUGUET, Dominique GHESQUIÈRE, John GIORNO, Alexander GUTKE, Louise HERVÉ & Clovis MAILLET, Joël HUBAUT, IFP, Florence JUNG, Imi KNOEBEL, Jeff KOONS, Pierre LABAT, Quentin LEFRANC, Richard LONG, Nicolas MILHÉ, Adrien MISSIKA, Joachim MOGARRA, Roman OPALKA, Serge PROVOST, Delphine REIST, Claude RUTAULT, Davide-Christelle SANVEE, Reena SPAULINGS, Haim STEINBACH, Didier VERMEIREN, Heimo ZOBERNIG.