In reply to the exhibition Scribble / Scarabocchio, from Leonardo da Vinci to Cy Twombly, the Drawing and Graphic Arts Cabinet of Beaux-Arts de Paris presents for the first time a group exhibition of artists who are professors and former professors of the School
With the sketches, sources, pathways, thought processes, and creations of thirty-nine teachers at the Beaux-Arts de Paris, Les professeurs gribouillent aussi… offers an encounter with the genesis of these artists’ works and is a unique testimony to today’s creation.
With: Pascale Accoyer, June Allen, Götz Arndt, Hicham Berrada, Mireille Blanc, Olivier Blanckart, Wernher Bouwens, Pierre Buraglio, Marie José Burki, Stéphane Calais, Nina Childress, Claude Closky, Clément Cogitore, Philippe Cognée, Hélène Delprat, Sylvie Fanchon, Dominique Figarella, Gilgian Gelzer, Jean-Yves Jouannais, Carole Leroy, Frédérique Loutz, Jack McNiven, Annette Messager, Bernard Moninot, Eva Nielsen, Aurélie Pagès, Julien Prévieux, James Rielly, Vincent Rioux, Anne Rochette, Michel Salerno, Daniel Schlier, Julien Sirjacq, Valérie Sonnier, Nathalie Talec, Djamel Tatah, Pascale Marthine Tayou, Tatiana Trouvé et Fabrice Vannier.
Curator: Hélène Gasnault, curator of drawings at the Beaux-Arts de Paris